Mittwoch, 19. September 2007

Day 31 - A Day at Captain Mobley's House

I spent the day with Captain Mobley today.
First we went to an original old fashioned American Barber and there I got my hair cut. I really like it, but judge yourself.
Afterward we drove to a shooting range to shoot skeet with shotguns. This was great fun and it isn't as easy as it looks like. But after a while I knew where to aim and I did quite well. Though it was strange to see people walking around with aimed shotguns and shooting it as self-evident. I'm simply not used to it from Germany, but after a while a got familiar with that.

For lunch Captain Mobley invited me to a Chinese restaurant and for supper we had australian food, so I guess I've to do some extra minutes on the treadmill tomorrow.

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